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Mums in Business Mastermind Program

Clarity. Confidence. Community.

A 6-week online group coaching program for badass business mums, ready to upgrade their mindset, create balance and build a business that they love



Does this sound like you?

You feel like there's not enough hours in the day to give everyone what they need and have a serious case of mum-guilt-itis.


You’re an ambitious mum in business but you feel like you're at a stand-still.


You’re run ragged, overworked and just can’t seem to get the balance right between work and family life.


You may just be starting out in the business world and feel overwhelmed about which steps to take.


You know you and your business are destined for more but the critical voice in your head is stopping you from taking the next step.


You would really benefit from being part of a group of powerful women in business that will support you, keep you on track and inspire you to take action.

This last year has made many of us take stock of our lives and careers and reflect on whether they are working for us or not. Without the numbing distractions of holidays, days out, hobbies, our lives have been put under a microscope. We've been forced to look at what's left.
I have worked with so many people recently who are now full of doubt. Do they want to continue in the career they're in? Have they been spending enough time with the people they love? Is their partner the one for them still?
I don't think many business owners have gone unscathed by the changes and restrictions. Even though it has forced us to be creative, innovative and learn skills to adapt to the new way, it's been challenging for many of us. Our confidence has been knocked. We feel vulnerable. Fear still hangs around us.
As we get back on our feet and dust ourselves off, a support network is essential to keep us on track with our new goals and help lessen our fear and doubt. My mastermind program will give you the opportunity to shift unhelpful beliefs, develop a positive mindset and feel inspired to take the steps you need to move your business to the next level.

Never taken part in a Mastermind before?

Oooh, are you in for a treat?!


You will meet each week with an intimate group of outstanding, like-minded mums in business where you will form strong connections and friendships to help propel you forwards. You will take it in turns to share your successes and challenges. We will answer your questions; provide you with inspiration, tips and advice; hold you to account on your goals and most importantly, celebrate your progress.


The group will give you space to concentrate on working on your business rather than just in it, which as a busy mum we don't often have time to do. It won't be all business talk though - the main focus will be on you and how you can take care of yourself within the busy-ness. We will focus on how you can put yourself first so that you can show up as the best version of YOU for your clients and your family. 


We will concentrate on challenging limiting beliefs and removing the obstacles that might be getting in the way of you taking your business to the next level. Through the support and warmth that you'll receive from the group, your confidence and self-belief will sky rocket! Your beliefs are the most important thing to move your business forwards. 80% of the success of your business is down to your mindset and only 20% is down to the strategy and what you do.


Not sure if this is for you? The only way to truly understand the magic of this group is to experience it for yourself.


We're excited to welcome you aboard, beautiful ladies!

What are the benefits of a Mastermind?

Each session you will experience...

Mutual support


Different perspectives


A safe space to explore, discover & grow

Increased confidence & accountability


Challenge to think bigger


Encouragement & tons of celebration!



This program will take you from frazzled to fulfilled

from confused to crystal clear

from doubting to DOING!

You will experience how to...

‣   Truly connect to the confident goddess that lies within you

‣   Manage your emotions more effectively to prevent stress and overwhelm

‣   Create emotionally compelling goals that get the fire in your belly burning

‣   Say goodbye to endless job lists and hello to inspiring action plans

‣   Connect with the true purpose behind your business goals 

‣   Identify and challenge disempowering thinking and beliefs 

‣   Get in touch with and trust your own inner wisdom 

‣   Visualise and manifest your ideal business 

‣   Strike a balance between work, family and self-care

‣   Ask yourself better questions to create positive forward momentum

What's included?


30 minutes with Claire to see if you are a good fit and prepare you for your new adventure 


90 minutes each week to share, strategise and celebrate with 4 other incredible women


60 minutes to get clarity on your next steps, to turn your dreams into a reality


To continue the momentum and access ongoing support

The success of a business = 80% psychology + 20% mechanics
As Henry Ford famously said, 'Whether you think you can or think you can't, you're right'. 
Mindset is everything and will hold you back, or propel you into action. 

What previous program graduates had to say...

My Mastermind experience has led me to thinking more clearly and having a stronger belief in myself. Claire has facilitated the group sessions to be friendly, warm and full of learning. It has been lovely getting to know the other participants who brought a sense of community, inspiration and accountability that I needed, to bring real change in my daily routines. Thank you to Claire for your support and kindness throughout the sessions. It has truly changed my thinking, actions and future career/life for the better!

Apply to work with me

Now accepting applications for the January 2022 Mastermind.

  • Can one day really make that much of a difference?
    Oh yes! What you can achieve in a Breakthrough Day could take you months to achieve in traditional counselling sessions. The Breakthrough Day lasts approximately 9 hours, allowing the work to go to a much deeper level. The combination of the different strategies and therapeutic modalities help to get to the root of the problem, helping you to make a greater change.
  • Can Breakthrough Days help with my low confidence?
    Definitely! The main benefit of a Breakthrough Day is that you will leave with a renewed faith in yourself and what you're capable of, because the focus of the day is to upgrade your mindset and help you to release negative beliefs that haven't been serving you.
  • Can you guarantee it will work?
    Being the over-achiever that I am, I can guarantee you that I will put in 110% into supporitng you. if you put in 110% as well, theres is no way we won't make progress towards your dream life and career. The amount of progress you make is determined by how committed you are to making a change. If you follow my suggestions, complete the tasks set and put the time and energy into the process and into YOU - you won't regret it. The only regret I ever hear from my clients is the regret they never did it sooner!
  • I just feel completely stuck at the moment and don't know which direction I want to go in - does this matter?
    Definitely not. Deep down you do know the direction you want to go in and you do know how to get unstuck, but sometimes the noise in our heads, along with the well-meaning opinions of our loved ones can stop us from hearing the answers. It stops us from seeing the truth. I love the analogy of a snow globe. Before the Breakthrough Daywhen the snow globe has been shaken - snow everywhere, clouding the picture behind it. Your emotions and beliefs are like the snow, getting in the way of you seeing the answers. The Breakthrough Day helps the snowto settle by clearning away the unwanted emotions and beliefs, helping the picture to become clearer - helping you to see the way!
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