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Newsletter vol. 24 - Cel-e-brate good times, c'mon! (Celebration Evening)

I hope you’ve all had a magical bank holiday weekend.

It’s just a quick one today…

I just wanted to invite you all to join us on Friday 27th May at 6:30pm to celebrate! Celebrate what, you ask?

In the last couple of months we’ve opened our beautiful new building, celebrated our 5th birthday, added 5 new incredible counsellors to our team and I’ve won an award!

I have won the Central England Prestige Award 2022 for ‘Empowerment Coach of the Year’ which I get presented with on Monday 23rd May. I thought it would be a great idea to tie everything together and have an evening where we can celebrate.

We’d love you to be part of it too.

For most people, coming to their first counselling or coaching session is very scary. You are meeting someone brand new, you don’t know where to go, where to park, what to expect etc. This is a great opportunity to have a chat with my team and I and have a look at where we do our sessions. You can get the first scary hurdle over and done with! We would be thrilled to talk to you about the different therapies we offer and explore how we might be able to support you.

Maybe you have a friend or loved one that is struggling? Come and speak to us and find out some information on their behalf or bring them along.

We will also be inviting lots of local businesses so this will be great to find out how we can support your staff’s wellbeing and also do a spot of networking!

Everyone that attends will receive a discount voucher for all coaching packages, as well as Maggie’s incredible holistic therapies.

We would really appreciate it if you could forward our invitation on to anyone you think might like to come. The more, the merrier!

We really hope to see you there!

Have a magical week, you beautiful people 🌈💜🎉

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